Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Garrett 131223

Back Squat:

4x9 @ 230

Strict Press:

3 @ 70% 105
3 @ 75% 115
3 @ 85% 130
3 @ 85% 130
3 @ 85% 130

1 comment:

  1. 9:30 P.M. running on a 5 Hour and Cliff Bar...

    Back Squat:

    Hard!!! No misses. Couldn't help but go ass to grass as it was heavy. First 5 or so reps were textbook. Last two I had to pause between and catch my breath.

    Strict Press:

    Had to break up the 85% sets


    5 x 2 @ 125 to finish out.

    Form was good.
