Monday, August 11, 2014

Minions 140811

A. For Quality
21 Elevated Ring Rows w/ Vest
21 Ring Push-ups

15 C2B Pull-ups
15 Stand Dips

9 Strict Pull-ups
9 Ring Dips

21 Elevated Ring Rows w/ Vest
21 Push-ups (Perfect, Pretend Kev is Watching)

15 C2B Pull-ups
15 Ring Push-Ups

9 Strict Pull-ups
 9 Stand Dips

Rest Early, Rest Often, Partition Evenly 
Record Breakdown of Reps

Rest No More Than :40 Seconds Between Reps In The 9 Set or  Terminate WOD

1 comment:

  1. First, did the wallball/rowing/DU wod in ~16-17 min

    A. For Quality (aka it was casual)

    21 Elevated Ring Rows w/ Vest - used one of the black vests, don't know how much it weighed but at least 20# if not more, this was hard, started off with 5 and by the end was doing 2s
    21 Ring Push-ups- did sets of 4-5

    15 C2B Pull-ups - did sets of 3-4
    15 Stand Dips- did sets of 4 then sets of 3

    9 Strict Pull-ups - arms were tired by this point, did 2 sets of 2 then the rest were singles
    9 Ring Dips- could only do 5, i think the first one was low enough but the rest maybe have been questionable but went as low as i could while still being able to get up. may need to practice these fresh.
