THE CLEANStarting From Where We Left Off Last Week
On any exercise the lifter should perform no more than 2 reps a minute.
Emphasizing The Pull (And Prepping The Shoulders)...
"A lot of people rely too heavily on the powerful hip extension and not enough on the legs in the first place"
- 1 High Hang Squat Clean + 2 Strict Press (7 Min)
Emphasizing Speed Through The Middle...
"I see a lot of people slow down once the bar passes their knees, when in actuality you want to be building up speed"
- 1 Hang Squat Clean (7 Min)
Putting It All Together...
"The goal is to accelerate the bar through the entire lift"
- 1 Full Clean Squat Clean (5 Min)
Strengthening Movements, Which Reinforce Good Form
The First Drill Stresses Proper Position
- Dip-Pause-Push Press (7 Min)
This should help with those droopy elbows we see so often.
The Second Drill Forces You To Maintain Proper Position Under A Heavy Load
Athletes should use 85%+ Loads, No need to be explosive on positive portion.
- Dip-Pause-Hold (4 x 5 Reps) (7 Min)
PVC Split Jerk Warm-up For Proper Foot Position and Practice