Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Erica 140122 Modified Burgeron Test

Modified Bergeron Beep Test 
(okay aside from the rep scheme and general "EMOM" style there is no similarity except that they both require extreme mental toughness)

E(90SEC)O(90SEC) for as long as possible

7 Cals on Row
7 KB Thrusters (No More than 20lb)
7 Plyo Squats

After the first 90 Sec

If rest > :20:  Change Rep Scheme to 8
If rest approximately :20 Do nothing
If rest < :20:  Change Rep Scheme to 6


  1. 14 rounds- (~21 minutes)

    did the first 2 rounds with 7 reps but had 30sec rest so switched to 8 reps and had 20 sec rest. Probably should have done 9 or used a 25# KB but my left arm was getting tired. The 20 sec rest stayed pretty much the same until the last 3 rounds bc the AD got tiring. It was hard though because I thought it would never end;)

  2. Probably should have done 9 and maybe went a little heavier :) We'll keep in mind for next time. We want fewer rounds and to see decreasing rest with every set.
