Friday, January 24, 2014

Ryan and Janel 140124

PART I:  Warm-up

:30 Sec JR
Medicine Ball Exercises
HRHs, Supermans, Scapular Retraction

PART II:  Strength:

Janel Front Squat 4 x 5 @ 50%, 60%, 65%, 65%
                          Or 4 x 5 @ 45-50, 55, 60, 60 respectively.

In between sets:  7 Double Red Band Strict Pull-ups

Ryan Back Squat
1 x 10 @ 60  (135)
1 x 8 @ 70 (160)
1 x 6 @ 75 (170)
1x 4 @ 80 (180)

In between sets:  3-5 "Perfect" Purple Band Strict Pull-ups

PART III:  Conditioning Modified "Wittman"
4 Rounds For Time
10 Russian Swings
10 Hang Power Cleans
10 Step-Ups

Erica 140113

While the Seal might be the best weightlifter, he has very poor form in this picture
Part I:  Strength
4 x 7 Build to a Challenging Set, Alternating Movements

Hammer Curls & Twist L
Tricep Extensions (Overhead) L
Lat Pull-down L

Part II:  Conditioning, 5 Rounds for time:

20 Cals Airdyne

10 Safety Bar Box Squats (~75)

10 Cals Airdyne

2* Heavy Sled Drag (Min 2 45 Plates - Shoot for 3)

*2 Drags, One Down, One Back to Airdyne.  Wherever there is a clear path.
Let's aim to keep this under 20 mins.  Decrease from 20 Cals to 15 Cals on Airdyne if necessary.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

"Workouts For One Armed People" (Erica 140123)

It could always be worse

5 x 2 Minute Individually Time Rounds

Max effort Air Dyne :45*
Then immediately dismount and vest up
Max Step-Ups in the time remaining /w KB (yes, in addition to vest)**

Rest :60 to :90 in between rounds.

*Decrease Air Dyne to :30 if it takes more than :15 to vest up and start step ups.
**Don't alternate 1 for 1, do approximately 5 on one side then 5 on the other.  This will allow you to move faster/do more work.


Anthony & Danielle 140123

PART I:  Review Hang Squat Clean & Split Jerk w/PVC 
(10 Min)

PART II:  15 Min to Build to a Challenging Single of the following complex:

Hang Squat Clean + Full Clean + Front Squat + Split Jerk

PART III: 12 Min EMOM  10 KBS 44/35  15/10 DUs

Garrett 140122-23

Read the fine print and then check out the link at the bottom of the post.
Last night


7 Thursters (75)
7 Pull-ups
7 Burpees


Brutalll!!! Goal is to make 8 rounds.

This morning

Front Squat:

1 x 3 @ 165
1 x 3 @ 185
4 x 3 @ 205
1 x 3 @ 210
1 x 3 @ 215 (missed third rep)

Ass-to-grass, perfect form.

Muscle -ups:

8, 7, 5, 6, 6, 5

Worked on efficiency.  Should have a break-out set of 9 next time.

Notes to self:

1.)  Less bend in the legs at the bottom, greater opening of the hip.  (Thanks Kyle)
2.)  Find that weightless feeling. Straight up.
3.)  Keep the rings in!

Good Article for those that are still reading haha:

Joseph 140123


Jump Rope Practice (50 Single Unders)

PART II: 15 Min Clock

5 Front Squat (165)
1 x 4 @ 60%
1 x 4 @ 70%
4 x 4 @ 80%

7 Perfect Push-ups Between Efforts



For approximately 15 Minutes

5 Wall Balls
6 Ring Rows
5 Burpees

Ryan and Janel 140123

PART I: Warm-up (15 Minute Clock)

Start with KB in Left Hand

5 Hand - 2 - Hand Swings

Then with KB in Right Hand

2 KB Squats
3 KB Push Press
4 KB Windmills

5 H2H Swings

Then Repeat with Left Hand


For 12 Minutes:7 Thrusters (75/25)
7 Ring Rows
7 Burpees

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fit Camp 140122

PART I: Warm-up (15 Minute Clock)

Start with KB in Left Hand

5 Hand - 2 - Hand Swings

Then with KB in Right Hand

2 KB Squats
3 KB Push Press
4 KB Windmills

5 H2H Swings

Then Repeat with Left Hand

PART III:  20 Min Partner AMRAP

20 MB Situps (Over Box)
20 Burpees (While Partner Holds a Plank)
20 Box Jumps (While Partner Holds a Wall Sit)
20 Cal Row

Anthony, Danielle, and Tim! (140122)

PART I: 20 Min Clock

Everybody:  Front Squats
1 x 4 @ 60%
1 x 4@ 70% 
4 x 3 @ 80%

A 120/140/160
D 70/80/90 
T 120/140/160

In between efforts:  

A "Don't Hurt Yourself"  7 KB Strict Press L&R (35, Build to a 44#)
D Barbell Strict Press 4 x 5 @ 45 - 50 (Clean from Ground)
T :45 Dip Stand Support

PART II:  5 Stations (of death)

3 Minutes @ Each Station
:40 On/:20 Off

1 Minute Rest Between Stations

Row (Cals)

Erica 140122 Modified Burgeron Test

Modified Bergeron Beep Test 
(okay aside from the rep scheme and general "EMOM" style there is no similarity except that they both require extreme mental toughness)

E(90SEC)O(90SEC) for as long as possible

7 Cals on Row
7 KB Thrusters (No More than 20lb)
7 Plyo Squats

After the first 90 Sec

If rest > :20:  Change Rep Scheme to 8
If rest approximately :20 Do nothing
If rest < :20:  Change Rep Scheme to 6

Garrett 140121 (Snow Day)

Only had an hour,

Bench Press
4 x 6  @ 210
Immediately after putting down the bar 12 strict pull-ups on rig.
Followed by 1 back squat at 275.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Garrett Monday, January 20, 2014

PART I:  Back Squat

5 x 7 @ 255

PART II: 3 Rounds NFT

5 Thrusters (135)


5 Power Clean + Push Jerk (Tng) (135)

PART III:  3 Rounds DU Practice

Reminder: Cancun

Hi guys,

Just wanted to remind everyone that I will be out of the gym (and the country) this upcoming Saturday, January 25th until the next Saturday, February 1st (better know as Superbowl Eve).  Get in your last workouts this week!  And don't worry, I have homework for each of you while I'm gone ;)  Don't expect to be left hanging.


Erica 140120


15 Min Ladder

Starting @

5 DB Bench Press L (at least 25)
5 Safety Bar Back Squats to a Box (75-80)  


6 DB Bench Press L
6 Safety Bar Back Squats to a Box (75-80)  

continue to

7 DB Bench Press L
7 Safety Bar Back Squats to a Box (75-80)  




Max Effort 30 Sec Air Dyne

Cashout (Optional)

For Time:  Immediately following EMOM

21 KB C&J (30-35)

Garrett 140117


PART I:  Recovery Front Squats 

Took a break after Saturday's slaughter.

Built to a Heavy for the Day

3 - 3- 2 - 2 -1 -1 -1 -1
185 - 205 - 215 -220 - 225 - 230 - 235  - 240 (miss)

PART II:  Handstand Push-up Practice

Haven't done these in a while.  Worked on perfect form.

4 x 5 Deficit Handstand Push-ups (45lb plates)


Mainsite WOD 140117

For Time:

30 Muscleups
21 C&J (135)
2000m Row


Need work on all of these, thought it was a nice mash-up.  Became more efficient at the end of sets than in the beginning.

Muscleups:  Need to a better bottom position, feet back
C&J:  Dip under the bar further
2000m Row:  Slow it down, better finishing pull.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Anthony & Danielle 140119

PART I: DU Baseball

9 Innings - 20 Min Cap

D:  5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 25 - 30 - 30 -30

A:  6 - 12 - 18 - 24 - 30 - 30 - 36 - 36 -36

3 strikes in any inning and your out.

PART II: Bench Press

5 x 7 @ 70% 125 (130)/ 50 (55)

PART III:  20 Min Partner AMRAP

20 MB Situps (Over Box)
20 Burpees (While Partner Holds a Plank)
20 Partner Wall Balls
20 Cal Row

Missy 140119

PART I: DU drill:  Baseball

Missy's 9 Innings - 20 Min Cap

2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 -10 - 12 - 12 - 12

3 strikes in any inning and your out.

PART II: Skill Work

Strapless Rowing
Review Back Extensions

PART III: Conditioning

Chipper WOD

10 Cal Row
20 Box Jumps (20)
20 Ring Rows
20 KBS (25)
20 Walking Lunges w/15# Plate
20 Abmatt Sit-ups
20 Back Extensions
20 Wall Ball Shots (12)
20 Burpees
10 Cal Row

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Ryan O. 140118


5 Min EMOM Marguerita


10 Min EMOM

Even:  Back Squat x 7 (105)
  Odd:   7 - 10 Decline Push-ups


 2 Individually Timed Rounds:

4 Farmer's Carries (2 Burpees in Between Carries)
15 Thrusters w/ 25 lb Ruck
10 Ring Rows w/Ruck
30 Sec Ring Hold At Top of Rings w/Ruck

Friday, January 17, 2014

Ryan & Janel 140117

PART I: 10 Minutes

3 Single Leg Deadlifts + 3 Strict Single Arm Presses + 3 Windmills all on Right Arm then all on Left


15 Min to Build to a Challenging 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat



10 Ring Rows
10 Front Squats (55/95) or (50 - 60% PART I)
15 Burpees

Garrett 140117

And so it begins...
W.U. Coached 3 Classes

2014 Paleo Challenge W.O.D.

8 Min Amrap
10 Pull-ups
15 Front Squats (115)
20 Burpees

3 + 19 (154)

Lana 140116

Part II:  Rounds II, III, & IV


4 Individually Timed Rounds:

250m Row
Front Rack Lunge (15# bar)
Push Press (35)

Joseph 120117

Part II Results
Joe, is Brainbridge the Quarry you were speaking of?

PART I: Strength

10 Min Emom 
Even:  7 Pushups
 Odd:  7 Ring Rows

PART II:  Conditioning

1:1 Rest, 5 All Out Efforts

Row 350m
30 OH Walkling Lunges (pvc)
15 Burpees to the bar
30 OHS (pvc)
Row 350m

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Anthony & Danielle 140116

Hey D, I bet you get this confused face a lot?
PART I: Strength


OHS 3 x 3

Back Squat 5 x 7 @ 175/100
In between sets 7 Elevated Ring Rows/3 - 5 C2B Pull-ups

PART II: Conditioning

"You Go I Go"

5 Rounds Each for Time:

12/9 Cal Row
12/9 Pushups
12/9 KBS

Tim 140116

PART I: Skill Work

New DU drill:  Baseball

Tim's 9 Innings - 20 Min Cap

5 - 10 -15 - 20 - 25 -25 - 30 - 30 - 30

3 strikes in any inning and your out.

PART II: Conditioning

Filthy 50 Esque Chipper:

20 Cal Row
20 Box Jumps (24)
20 Strict Pull-ups
20 KBS (44)
20 Walking Lunges w/ KB
20 GHD Sit-ups
20 Back Extensions
20 Wall Ball Shots (20)
20 Burpees
20 Double Unders

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Anthony 140114

Strange Ant, look how small your head is!

PART I:  Strength/Skill 

For Perfect Form:

5 x 3 Strict Press (Off Floor) 

Shoot for 75, 85, 95, 105, 110

5 x 3 Heavy Dead Lifts
Shoot for 135, 145, 155, 165, 170

5 x 3  Pause Front Squat

PART II:  Conditioning

10 Min AMRAP

1 Rope Climb
Sprint 150m
5 DB Snatches R & L (25)

Ryan 140115

You can do these with dumbbells too?!?!?

PART I: Strength

10 Min Emom
Even:  7 Dips (Stand)
 Odd:  7 Pull-ups (Green)

PART II:  Conditioning

1:1 Rest, 5 All Out Efforts

Row 500m
40 OH Walkling Lunges (35)
20 Burpees to the bar
40 OHS (15 #bar)
Row 500m

Monday, January 13, 2014

Don't Be Paleo Challenged, See What All The Fuss Is About

Good Morning Athletes,

The next Paleo Challenge is happening in less than a week!  Do yourself a favor and sign up now!  A hot new body and a shot at a bountiful cash prize should be more than enough incentive.

Remember the 168/7 rule:

We may, at most, spend 7 hours exercising/in the gym a week.  That means we have 161 hours remaining each week to royally F*** things up.  Remember aspiring beach bodies, abs are made in the kitchen.

What's the point of all the time you put into the gym anyway, if you are just going to sabotage your gains outside of it.




And when you have a free moment check out the following pages for more information.  Everything you need to survive the challenge can be found here.

The Beginner's Guide to the Paleo Diet:

It's a very humorous and fun read!

Robb Wolf:
This site has ton of info and provides a good framework for a paleo style diet.

It's Time to Start Climbing the Spartan Pyramid...

Guys, the time is now!
In the pursuit of Anthony's Trifecta, we are starting here, in our very own backyard (sans the mud).  Do work! and follow the link below to sign up!

Spartan Sprint
Citi Field, NY
Saturday, April 12, 2014

It doesn't get any closer to CF than this.


Joseph 140113

Not a bad place for us to start.

PART I:  Strength/Skill - CrossFit Total

For Perfect Form:

5 x 3 Strict Press (From Rack)
5 x 5 Pause Dead Lift
5 x 5  Pause Back Squat

PART II:  Conditioning

10 Min EMOM:

2/3 Burpees (Rounds I - V/V-X)
7 KB Swings (35)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Erica 14014

Modified Open WOD 12.2

10 Min AMRAP

15 DB Snatch Left (25, 30*KB, 35)
15 Pistols (To Low Plyo Box)


4 x 8 Heavy DB Bent Over Rows Left
4 x 15 Back Extensions

Erica 140113

I think she's trying to give a thumbs up, but I can't tell.

Modified Open WOD 11.5

15 Min AMRAP

5 KB Cleans Left (44)
5 KB Push Jerks Left (35)
10 GHD Situps (to floor)
15 Plyo Squats

Anthony & Danielle 140112

Strongman Woddddsssssss

PART I:  Back Squat

4 x 9 (170/105)

PART II:  3 Individually Time Rounds:

4 Farmer's Walks w/ 5,3,1 Burpees In Between Efforts
40 DUs
12 Ring Rows (2 Rings)
30 Sec Chin Over the Bar Holds

Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ryan O. 140111

Heavy Rope Pulls w/ Ruck


Learn Turkish Get-ups


Learn Barbell Deadlift/
Strict Pull-up Practice (Purple Band)


12 Min AMRAP:

4 Burpees w/ Ruck (25)
5 Turkish Get-ups w/Ruck
6 Ruck Thrusters
7 Shuttle Cone Sprints w/Ruck
1 Heavy Rope Pull (185)

Anthony & Happy B-day Danielle 140109

Cleans Revisited.

Not too shabby!

PART I: 15 Min

Build to a Heavy Squat Clean

PART II:  Two-Niner!  (Dee's Bday) 

For Time:

2 Full Cleans (115/65)

{9 BARF Burpees
  9 Pull-ups
  9 Wall Balls (20/14)
  29 Double Unders
  9 Wall Balls
  9 Pull-ups
  9 BARF Burpees}*2 Full Cleans Between Each Movement

2 Full Cleans

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ryan & Janel 140108


Build to a Challenging Dead lift

7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Learn Rope Climbs

PART II:  21 Min E3MOM

12/9 Cal Row
10/7 Pushups
12 KBS 44/35

Tim 140107

Strict Pull-ups Hurtin So Gooood
PART I: 25 Min

Build to a Heavy Front Squat

In Between Sets 4 x 9 Bench Press @ 135

PART II: Conditioning

10 Min AMRAP

6 Strict Pull-ups
6 OHS Squats L Hand, 6 Goblet Squats
18 DUs

Anthony 140107

Lol.  Ant, tell me what Danielle is demoing in this picture?
PART I:  (30 Min)

7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Building to a Heavy Deadlift

4 x 5 Strict Handstand Push-ups in Between Sets

PART II:  Conditioning

For Time: 12 - 9  - 7 - 5
Power Cleans (75)
Ring Dips

*25 DUs In Between Rounds

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Anthony & Danielle 140105


PART I: PR'ing (30 Min)

Build To a Heavy 3 RM Thruster while Building to a Heavy 3 RM Bench Press.

Then Find a 1 RM Front Squat While Simultaneously Taking 3 Attempts at a Single 1 RM Bench Press.

PART II:  Conditioning

8 Hang Cleans (20 - 25)
10 Walking Lunges with DBs


8 DB Hang Cleans (30 - 35)
12 Walking Lunges with DBs
16 Sit-ups

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Years!!!

Well guys we made it!!!  2014, a year since I've started this venture at CFS.  It's been a wild ride.  Working 9 - 5, at the gym mornings, evenings and weekends, and trying to squeeze in a workout here and there hasn't always been easy.  Never mind, an attempt at a social life (Don't hate me volleyball friends, I will make my re debut in 2014).    I'm actually writing this post from the gym in between sets of back squats and bench press (see Garrett 140103 if you don't believe me).  Through all of this I think I've actually become a better, more organized, and more determined version of my former self.  Trust, I now know how to squeeze every hour/minute/second out of every day.  And just when I think I'm out of energy and the tanks is going to run dry YOU guys have brought it every workout.  It's inspiring to see what YOU have accomplished, and whether you believe it or not, YOU guys are my drive when I train.  After all, a good trainer is not only knowledgeable but has to lead by example.   I'm looking forward to continuing working with YOU in 2014 and excited for what the future holds.  YOU should all know by now that I am a big believer in writing things down and documentation, in the spirit of 2014, I wanted to share a couple of my personal goals with YOU for the upcoming year both as an athlete and trainer.

Athlete 2014:

1.) Back Squat 350#  (This is the year I see the bar bend!)
2.) Snatch 205#  (Why 200# when I can lift 205#, Shoot for the Stars Land in the Clouds)
3.) 120 Unbroken DUs (This Continues to Be My Goat)

For Comparison 2013:

1.) Back Squat 250# (Check)
2.) Snatch 150 (Check)
3.) 50 Unbroken DUs (Check)

Why did I choose the the same movements again?

1.) The Back Squat is the mother of all lifts and one of the best metrics of absolute strength so it's only natural to bump my numbers to 2 x BW + this year.

2.)  While the Back Squat is a lift of raw strength the Snatch is a much more technical lift which is the perfect blend of power and finesse.  Fun fact: It uses 85% of your neuro-muscular system.  That's coordination!

3.)  And lastly, Double Unders, the bane of my existence.  I was dubbed hurdles for the first year of coaching as my Double Unders were anything but desirable.  This is a perfect example of "practice makes perfect" and I'm going to keep grinding.  The Double Under, like the Snatch, is an awesome blend of coordination and also conditioning/endurance.

This is my suite of exercises for the next year.


1.)  Keep bringing YOU, the Athletes, more awesome workouts.
2.)  Help each and everyone of YOU meet your specific 2014 goals.
3.)  Keep this blog rolling.

Now it's YOUR turn.  I need each and everyone of YOU to reply to this post with 3 specific training goals in addition to 2 goals outside of the gym.

Get at it and DO WORK!

Ryan & Janel 140103


PART I:  (30 Min)
Build to a 3 Rep Max Thruster
In Between Sets 3 - 5 Strict Pull-ups Purple/2 Red Band

Build to a 1 Rep Max Front Squat
In Between Sets 10/7 Ring Rows

PART II: Conditioning (10 Minute AMRAP)

8 Step-ups (24/20)
12 KBS (44/30)
16 AB-Matt Situps

Garrett 140103

Killington, VT, December 30st 2013

Back Squat

4 x 5 @ 255
3 x 5 @ 245

Bench Press

6 x 6 @ 210

Olana 140102

Your Favorite!!!  Happy New Year!

PART I: Fundamentals

Learn Barbell Clean
Learn Thruster

PART II:  Conditioning

9 - 7 - 5 - 7 - 9
Thrusters (35)


Tabata Sit-ups

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Anthony & Danielle 140102

We've come a long way!
PART I: Build to a Heavy Back Squat (20 Min)

1 x 5 @ 145/80
1 x 4 @ 175/95
1 x 3 @ 200/105
1 x 1 @ 225/120

Walk-out 250/150


PART II:  3 Individually Timed Rounds

10 Deadlifts 185/105
10 Shuttle Cone Sprints 20'
5 Deadlifts 185/105
5 Shuttle Cone Sprints 20'
3/2 Rope Ascents 15'

Rest 90 Sec - 2 In Between Rounds.