Monday, June 29, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150629

WARMUP (10):
3 Rounds
10 Banded Squats
5 Box Jumps
Jog 1 Lap

Hip M.O.B.

STRENGTH I (10):  
Every 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes
4 BackSquat 195/110-115

Every 3 Minutes for 9 Minutes
Min 1:  20 KB Walking Lunges 44/25
Min 2: 8 DB Row R
Min 3: 8 DB Row  L

3 Rounds
50M Prowler Push 60/15
150M Sandbag Run
Sprint Remainder

Rest 1:1 (Pick Up Bag)

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Anthony & Tim

3 Rounds
10 Banded Squats
5 Box Jumps
Jog 1 Lap

Hip M.O.B.

Against a 10:00 Clock
A.)  3 Miles A.D.
B.)  50 Front Squats 115
C.)150 DUs
D.)  75 KBS 53
E.)  25 Burpee Box Jump Overs

Friday, June 26, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150626

Jog # 2,3
6 Renegade Rows
Bear Crawl w/ Dumbbell, 12 Steps

Barbell Quads & IT Band

Every 90" For 15:00 (10 Sets)
1 Hang Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch + 1 Full Snatch

4 Rounds:
30" On/30" Off
Calorie Row 
Russian Swing

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150625

10 Minutes to Find a Heavy Hang Power Clean

For Time:
25 Pistols/Walking Lunges 25
10  HPC 105/45
20 Pistols/Walking Lunges
10 HPC 
15 Pistols/Walking Lunges
10 HPC
10 Pistols/Walking Lunges

EMOM Bench Press x 2 For 8 Minutes

50 Strict Ring Dips For Time/60 Push-ups*
*Every Time You Break Run 400m/350m AFAP

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Anthony & Tim 150624


With a Running Clock
Every 90" For 9 Minutes
2 Weighted C2B Pull-ups
9:00 to 15:00
Establish Max L-Sit
15:00 to 21:00
3 Sets of Max DUs
Rest 1 Minute Between Attempts

EMOM Front Squat For 8 Minutes
 (No belt, sleeves or olys)

5 Rounds
21 Thrusters 65/25s
21 DUs

Sunday, June 21, 2015

15 Minutes to find a Heavy Squat Clean

Granite Games

10 Min AMRAP
5 Hang Squat Cleans

Rest 10 Minutes

Run 1200m
63 Wall Balls/KBS
36 Burpees/Pull-ups

Rest 10 Minutes
Heavy Sled Push
GHD Something


Handstand Work/Walk
Kipping Pull-Up

30 Min AMRAP
Min 1: Prowler Push Down & Back
Min 2: Tire Flip
Min 3: Rope Climb + 2 Kipping Pull-ups
Min 4:  Stone to Shoulder + 3 Ston Squats
Min 5:  5 Clapping Push-ups + 3 Burpees
MIn 6:  Rest

Friday, June 19, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150619

Clean Progression 
Drop to Split
Drop to Split From Toes
Jump to Split

Every 2 Minutes For 12 Minutes
3 - 4 MUs/30" L-Sit

PART 1:  
12 Min Clock: 
Starting with Barbell:
EMOM 1 Clean Pull + 1 Power Clean + 1 Split Jerk

PART 2:  
Every 90" for 12:00 Minutes (8 Sets)
Starting at the You Finished Part 1:
Build to a Heavy Split Jerk Out of Rack Rack,  1 Jerk Dip + 1 Full Split Jerk

Every 90" for 9:00 Minutes (6 Sets)
Starting at 80 - 85% 1 RM:
1 Full Clean & Jerk

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Kit 150618

Warm-Up I: (10)
3 Rounds
15 Cals A.D. {65% 80% 90%+}
30" Knee Tuck Hold
4 - 5 Negative Pistols Hollow Rock to Stand

Mobility: (20)
Every 90" For18 Minutes
1)  Pistols
2) Rope Climb
3) Kip Variation/Ring Support

Skill: (15)
Every 90" For 12 Minutes
1 High Hang Snatch +
1 Power Snatch +
1 Full Snatch

Conditioning: (10)

Anthony & Danille 150618

Warm-Up: (10)
3 Rounds
15 Cals A.D. {65% 80% 90%+}
30" Knee Tuck Hold
4 - 5 Negative Pistols Hollow Rock to Stand

Speed (10):
4 Sets Sprint Carry:

Sprint Uphill w/ Sandbag
Jog Back w/ Sandbag
 1 Lap Recovery Run

Core/Stability: (10)
10 Minutes to Build to a Heavy 3 Rep Max OHS

Conditioning: (12)
5 C2B Pull-Ups
10 DB G2O 35/20
30 DUs

Rest 4 Minutes & Repeat

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Tim & Kit

Warm-Up: (10)
3 Rounds
15 Cals A.D. {65% 80% 90%+}
10 Squats
5 Good Mornings

Warm-Up: (10)
Hamstring Smash 60"
Calf Smash 60"

Power: (20)
3 Rounds For Time:

Sprint Uphill w/ Sandbag
Run 1 Lap

4 Sets of Heavy Sled Push (135+/90+)

Endurance: (20)
Jackie I
Row 500
25 Dumbell Thrusters 35/20
5 Legless Rope Climbs/5 Pull-Ups

Rest Until the Clock Hits 10:00 Minutes

Jackie II
Row 500
25 Dumbell Thrusters 25/15
15 Strict Pull-Ups/Ring Rows

Monday, June 15, 2015

Kit 150618

Warm-Up I: (10)

Mobility: (10)
Internal External With Kettle Bell
Barbell Traps

Skill: (20)
20 Min Clock
Min 1: 4 Strict Pull-ups
Min 2:  Snatch x 1
Min 3: Kipping HSPU
Minute 4: DUs/Rest

Conditioning: (10)
30 Sec On/30 Sec Off

Anthony & Danielle 150613

Warm-Up: (20)
Strict Pull-ups
9, 11, 9, 9, Max/3, 4, 2, 2, 4
In Between Sets Perform 20/10 Unbroken DUs

Strength: (15)
Every 2 Minutes For 12 Minutes
Front Squat x 6 Reps @ 155/80

Conditioning: (16)
Rest 2 Minutes
Rest 2 Minutes

10/7 Cals
10/7 Burpees

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150613

Warm-Up: (10)
3 Rounds
A.D. 15 Cals
10 Med Ball Squat Cleans

Calf M.O.B.

Strength: (20)
4 Sets of:
 Heavy Sled Push 90+/45+
Farmers Carry #1 70/44

Conditioning: (30)
"Triple 3"
Every 10 Minutes For 30 MInutes
Row 500/350
50 DUs/15 DUs
Run 400m

Friday, June 12, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150612

Warm-Up: (10)
A.D. 3 x 15 Cals
Barbell to Shoulder
Glute Activation

Strength: (15)
Every 90" For 15 Minutes
A.)  High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch+ OHS
B.) 2 MUs/3+Assisted Pull-ups

Conditioning: (20)
400m Med Ball Carry On Shoulder 20/14
Then 3 Rounds of:
9 Power Snatches 95/55
12 HSPU/Push Jerk
15 Med Ball Sit-Ups/Strict Knee Ups
400m Med Ball Carry On Shoulder 20/14

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Tim 150611

Warm-Up: (10)
3 Rounds
15 Cals A.D. {65% 80% 90%+}
Bear Crawl

Midline: (10)
KB Baby Carry {1 2 3}
50 Unbroken Hollow Rocks With PVC

Conditioning: (20)
5 Rounds of:
3 Squat Cleans @ 125
.3 Mile A.D. Sprint
53lb KB Russian Swings  20 Reps

Rest 2 Minute Between Rounds

Cash-Out: (10)
3 Laps w/Wall Ball 20/10

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150610

Warm-Up: (10)
3 Rounds
15 Cals A.D. {65% 80% 90%+}
Bear Crawl

Midline: (10)
KB Baby Carry {1 2 3}
75/50 Unbroken Hollow Rocks With PVC

Conditioning: (20)
10 Rounds of:
10/8 Cals A.D.
10/8 Hang Cleans

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

Cash-Out: (10)
3 Laps w/Wall Ball 20/10

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Kit 150609

Warm-Up I: (10)
3 Rounds
15 Cals (65%, 80%, 90%+)
7 Beat Swings
Scorpion Holds L&R

Mobility: (10)
Internal External With Kettle Bell
Barbell Traps

Skill: (20)
20 Min Clock
Kipping HSPU
Snatch Deadlift

Conditioning: (15)
4 Rounds:
For Time
10 Barbell Thrusters 15 Dbs 
20 Overhead Reverse Lunges

Anthony/Danielle/Tim 150609

Warm-Up: (10)
3 Rounds
300/250 Meter Row
10 Box Jumps
10" HS Hold

* Emphasis on Feet, Chain, Back

Mobility: (10)
Hip Stretch
Shoulder Stretch

Strength: (10)
Every 30" For 4 Min 
Back Squat 150/90

Conditioning: (20)
50 Cals/50 Wall Balls
Rest 2 Min
40 Cals/40 Wall Balls
Rest 90"
30 Cals/30 Wall Balls
Rest 60" 
20 Cals/20 Wall Balls

Danielle Take 80% Cals

Friday, June 5, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150605

Warm-Up I: (5)
3 Rounds
10 Jump Squats  95+/45+
10 Walking Lunges

Part I:  Conditioning (15)
Every 6 Minutes For 24 Minutes

Sprint -> Row -> Burpee

Time Around Building = Time Rowed
30/25 Cals - Cals Rowed = Burpees

Cool Down: Stretch (30)

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Warm-Up: (5)
Med-Ball Cleans
Learn Med-Ball to Shoulder
Review Rope Climb Technique

Skill: (12)
Every 90 Secs For 12 Minutes
1st: Rope Climb
2nd: Stone to Shoulder

Conditioning: (15)

Cash-out: (20)
For Max Reps:
90" Push-ups
60" Rest
60" Push-ups
30" Rest
30" Push-ups

Anthony & Danielle 150604

Warm-Up I: (5)
Build to a Challenging 3RM TnG Clean

Part I:  Conditioning (15)
3 Min AMRAP x 3
3 Cleans 135/55
6 Box Jumps 24/20
9 Push-ups

Rest 1 Minute Between AMRAPS

Part II:  Power & Skill (24)
3 Rounds
Station 1:  1 Legless + 1 Rope Climb /1.1.1 Pull-Ups (Pacer)
Station 2: Rest/Transition
Station 3: Max Cals A.D.

Part III:  Cashout (10)
For Time
100 GHD Back Extensions w/Plate
Every Time You Break 20 Red Band Pull-Aparts

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Anthony/Tim 150603

Warm-Up I: (5)
A.D. 25 Cals
Foam Roll 
2 x 10 Barbell Bench

Part I:  Strength & Skill (24)
Every 90" For 24 Minutes
1st: 10 Bench Press 150/55
2nd:  10 Heavy Swings
3rd: Max DUs (1 Mulligan)/:45" Practice
4th:  :30 L-Sit

Part II:  Conditioning (15)
For Time:
100 Wall Balls
1000 Meter Row