Monday, July 28, 2014

G 140728

Awesome Read ->

1. OHS
10 Min Build to a heavy
2. Snatch
10 Min Technique
10 Min 1 RM
3. Gymnastics Benchmark
8-7-6 Pull-ups/C2B/Bar Muscle-up
Pull-ups/C2B/Bar Muscle-up
Pull-ups/C2B/Bar Muscle-up
4. Conditioning
Tabata Circuit, performed in two rounds:2 Rounds of 4 intervals at each station. Each interval is 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest:
#1 Wall Balls (30#)
1 Min Rest
#2 Free-Standing Handstand
1 Min Rest
#3 Ring Dips
1 Min Rest
#4 Alternating Reverse Lunge From Rack (95)
1 Min Rest

5. Group Stretch

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