Thursday, July 31, 2014

Minions 140731 W5D2

A.  Class WOD
Do either large deficit ring rows or preferably add a weight Vest.  
Quality is priority, don't worry if you can't complete 5  reps every set.

B.  Russian Dip (See video)
This is the last piece of the muscle-up
Here are some pre-req's before we can practice.

1.25 x BW Strict Pull-Up
1.25 x BW Strict Dip

That means 

Erica:  Build to a heavy (1RM) weighted dip.  
Use rogue equip and either weightbelt or db between feet.
Once you find heavy drop off a few lbs and perform 3 - 5 more singles.

Gina:  2 x 5 Min EMOM Strict Dip EMOMs (2,1)
Focus on full-depth.

C. Ring Turn-outs and Swings 
4 x 6

Ryan & Janel 140731

Part I: Strength
20 Min Clock
A1. Build to a Heavy 3 RM
A2. Atlas Stoned

Part II:  Conditioning
2 Rounds:  FGB 40"/20"

Wall Balls
Ring Rows
Push Press (115/45)
Row (Cals)

Rest 1 Minute

G 140731

1. 5 x 3 Front Squat

2. 10 Min EMOM 
1 FS @ 95%

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Tim 140730

Ahh Man, I thought we were a little further than half way?

Part 1:  KB Warm-up
Mobility:  Lax Ball
Kettlebell Midline Series #1

Part 2: Conditioning
For Time:

40 Wall Balls
40 DUs
30 Sledge Hammer Strikes
30 OH Lunges (45)
200m Sandbag Run 
20 Plate Burpees  (45)
10 Tire Flips
10 Dips (Ring)
5 Prowler Push (+50)
5 Rope Climbs

Part 3: Stretch

Fit Camp 140728


Jumping Jacks 
Samson Lunges
Butterfly Sit-ups

Fitness Test

20 Minute AMRAP

50 Wallballs 
50 SUs
40 Box Jumps/Step-Ups
40 Sit-Ups
30 Ring Rows 
30 KBS 
20 Cals 
20 DB Strict Press 
10 Tire Flips
10 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

G 140728

I need this, who's in?

1. Front Squat
10 Min build to a heavy

2. "Fractured Jackie"
Complete the triplet 2x

500 m Row
25 Thrusters 45 lb / 25 lb
15 Pullups

Rest 5 Minutes In Between Triplet 

3. Gymnastics Benchmark 
Max unbroken strict deficit HSPU, 10 

4. 5 Rounds NOT for time of:
500-400-300-200-100m Row

5 Bench Press, 205
10 Bent Over Row, 95

Minions 140728 W5D1


A.  2 x 5 Min EMOMs (Pull-ups, Chin-ups)
No Rest In Between EMOMs.  

E (2, 2)
(1, 2) 
K (1, 1)

B.  Ring Support w/turn out
Max Effort. We are trying to accumulate as much time in perfect position as possible. Once a break in position happens, rest.

3:00 Accumulate as much time in Ring Support w/turn out

~Rest 2:00 - 3:00 Minutes

C. Bottom of Ring Dip
3:00 Accumulate time in Bottom of Ring Dip

~Rest 2:00 - 3:00 Minutes

D. Strict "Perfect" Pull-ups For Time
3:00 Accumulate time in False Grip ring Pull Up Hold
If you are wiped, forget the pull-up and just hold a false grip.  Regardless use a box to set-up your perfect false grip each time.  Do your best to straighten the arms.  Once it's neutral drop down.

E.  Watch Video For Tomorrow

Monday, July 28, 2014

Ryan & Janel 140728

Part I: Strength
Strict Pull-ups 21X5:
Ryan:   4 x 4 (Purp)
J: 4 x 2  (Red)

3 x 1/2 Tabata KB Walking Lunges 

Part II:  Conditioning
For Time:

30 Front Squats (45/25)
40 KB Swings (53/35)
30 DUs/100 Singles
40 Barbell Thrusters (45/25)
30 Lateral Burpees

Part III  Stretch

G 140728

Awesome Read ->

1. OHS
10 Min Build to a heavy
2. Snatch
10 Min Technique
10 Min 1 RM
3. Gymnastics Benchmark
8-7-6 Pull-ups/C2B/Bar Muscle-up
Pull-ups/C2B/Bar Muscle-up
Pull-ups/C2B/Bar Muscle-up
4. Conditioning
Tabata Circuit, performed in two rounds:2 Rounds of 4 intervals at each station. Each interval is 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest:
#1 Wall Balls (30#)
1 Min Rest
#2 Free-Standing Handstand
1 Min Rest
#3 Ring Dips
1 Min Rest
#4 Alternating Reverse Lunge From Rack (95)
1 Min Rest

5. Group Stretch

Friday, July 25, 2014

Tim 142514

Part I:  Stone Work/Pulling Technique

Atlas Stone Tutorial
1. Stone DL
2. Stone Wrap
3. Stone Hoist

1/2 Tabata Atlas Stone

Rope Climb Pump Step Technique/Dual Ropes

Part II: Conditioning

30 Jumping Back Squats
40 KB Swings
50 DUs
40 Barbell Thrusters
30 Lateral Burpees

Part III  Stretch

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Janel 140724

Hopefully we get to experience this in September

Part I 15  Minutes to Build to a Heavy 

3 Rep Back Squat
In between sets Max Chin-ups (1RB)

Part II  Triple 3

Complete 3 Individually Timed Rounds

Row 300m
90 Single Unders
Run to 3 and Back

Part III  Stretch

Minions 140724 (2) W4D2

Unrelated, but powerful nonetheless.  Think about it.

A.  Rope Climbing Technique

Practice Pump-Step Rope Climb Technique (Aka no-one arm pull-ups)

B.  Pec Flys & Advanced Rope Climbs

4 x 10 Dumbell Pec Flys (1st set is warm-up, build to a challenging load)

In between sets Perform 1 Rope Climb

Start lying down, pull yourself up off the floor using your pump step-technique from part A and as high as possible before utilizing your legs.

Climb to top.

Once you are halfway down discontinue using your legs and lower yourself slowly (reverse pump-step technique) while maintaining a hollow body.

Minions 140724 W4D1

A.  21 Min Clock - Max Effort Dips/Push-Ups/Chin-Ups

Buy In - Max Chin-ups

With a running clock:
0:00 - 0:30 E Max Ring Dips/G Max Stand Dips
1:30 - 2:00 E Max Stand Dips/G Max Stand Dips w/1RB
3:00 - 3:30 Max Decline or Deficit Push-ups
At 5:00  Mark Max Chin-ups
At 8:00 Mark Repeat Cycle 2x


For 0:00 - 0:30 your goal is to get 1 - 2 solid reps.  
Do not attempt them unbroken.  This should be 100% effort.

For 1:30 - 2:00 your goal is to complete 1 monster set!

For Chin-ups if you can't do 3 unbroken accumulate at least three singles.

B.  Rope Play

3 Hollow body holds with focus on grip (ring pull-up) positioning.  


3 Hollow body holds alternating grip for same duration.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Tim 140723

Part I 10 Mins to Build to a Heavy Squat Clean

Part III  Spartan Training

For Time:

20 Cleans (125)
Run 200m w/ (30) Medball
4 Rope Climbs
Run 300m w/(30) Medball
20 Ring Dips
Run 400m
20 Burpee Pull-Ups

Fit Camp 140723

Part I Conditioning - Chipper Interrupted

For Time: 25 Min Cap

40 Wall Balls
30 Box Jumps/Step-Ups 
20 Push-ups 
10 Strict Pull-ups 
1 Lap w/Med Ball 
10 Strict Pull-ups
20 Push-Ups
30 Box Jumps/Step-Ups
40 Wall Balls

Every 2MOTM Perform 3 Burpees (unless rowing or running)


Row 500
40 Wall Balls
30 Box Jumps
20 Pull-Ups (Any Style)
10 Ring Dips
1 Lap w/Med Ball
10 Ring Dips
20 Pull-Ups
30 Box Jumps/Step-Ups
40 Wall Balls
Row 500

Every 2MOTM Perform 3 Burpees (unless rowing or running)

Friday, July 18, 2014

Anthony & Danielle 140719

Part I BP & Deads

Part III  "Bon Voyage"

For Time:

1000/800 Meter Row
75 DUs
15/10 HSPU
15 Ring/Stand Dips 
15 Chest 2 Bar
20 Thrusters (95/55)
40 Front Rack Walking Lunges (95/65)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Minions 140717 W3D2

In due time - "Luca Summe"

A.  20 Min Clock - Narrow Grip Bench Press

Build a heavy 5 RM starting with the bar

In between sets

8 L & R Dumbbell Rows (on a bench) 31X1
Go heavy, the eight rep should be impossible.

Record barbell and dumbbell weights.

B.  Ring Pull-Up/Ring Row to Hold

4 Sets (Choose whichever position you can support)
- Dual Ring Row to the top position and support yourself for as long as possible
- Pull-up as high as you can and support yourself as long as possible

We want to be able to do this...

Record your times.

Janel 140717

Janel, Ryan you have to check this out.
Part I 30" On/30" Off DUs

Part II 10 Mins to Build to a Challenging

Power Clean + Full Squat Clean + Push Jerk
After 10 Minutes 3 x 10 Deadlift with Final Weight

Part III  Conditioning

For Time:

750 Meter Row
100 Single Unders
20 Push Press
15 Pull-ups (2 RB)
10 Dips 
30 Walls Balls (12)
40 Front Rack Walking Lunges (50)

Tim 140717

Spart Sprint PA, July 12,2014
Part I:  10 Min - Build to a Challenging 

5 RM Front Squat

Part II Conditioning

With a continuous running clock, perform the following:

0:00 1000 Meter Row
5:00 45 Burpees
10:00  30 Strict Pull-ups
15:00 50 Wall Ball 20/14
20:00 75 DUs
25:00 3 Laps

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Janel 140715

Janel, we need to get you one of these!
Part I WU

Rowing Tech & Front Squats 

Part II Conditioning

With a continuous running clock, perform the following:

0:00 750 Meter Row
5:00 45 Burpees
10:00  20 Strict Pull-ups
15:00 30 Wall Ball 12
20:00 30 Push-Ups
25:00 3/2 Laps

Part III Stretch

Anthony & Danielle 140715

Love This

Part I:   WU:  Lax Ball & Bands

Part II:   Oly W1D2

{1 Power Clean + 2 Full Cleans} x 2 @ 105/50 & 115/55

4 x 5 Push Press

Part III: "Boulder Shoulders"

17 Min AMRAP

5/3 C2B Pull-Ups
5/3 Dips
5/3 HSPU
7 Swings 70/35

Monday, July 14, 2014

Minions 140714 W3D1

Swell Surf Camp :)

A.  Stand Dips

E (4 x 6)
(4 x 6 w/ Red Band) 
K (I don't have your numbers!)

Use heavy rogue dip stands and go ALL the way down!

B.  Ring Support Warm-up

1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Ring Support Negatives 
(w/ 5 - 10" Pause in Bottom Position) 

You're doing these as singles and lowering yourself as slow and with as much control as possible.  Set the Rings high enough so that you don't have to bend your legs as you lower.  If needed use a box to mount rings.  Don't begin the negative until you have absolute stability. 

C.  3 Max Ring Supports

Looking for 30" +

Make sure the back straps touch your shoulders and rings are against your hips for the whole duration.  Goal is to build to a minute over time.

D.  Strict "Perfect" Pull-ups For Time


Just get theses done.