PART I: Warmup NFT
Modified General CrossFit Warm-up
PART II: Death By Ring Rows
EMOM perform 30 Single Unders and add 1 Ring Row until failure, starting at 5
EMOM perform 30 Single Unders and add 1 Ring Row until failure, starting at 5
PART II: Indoor Spartan
24 Min Clock
Minute 1 (Lift or Jump): 10, 12 or 15 Box Jumps/Steps OR Flip a Tire with a Partner
Minute 2 (Push or Pull): 15, 17 or 20 Cals A.D. OR 2 Resistance Run OR Prowler Push
Minute 3 (Press): 15 or 20 Push-ups or 2 Wall Walks OR HSPU
Minute 4 (Lunge): 20 Walking Lunges (OH Sandbag, Front Rack, OH Plate)
Minutes 5 & 6: Max Effort/2 Minute Plank