Monday, August 31, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150831

Row 500m
2 Rounds
5 Horizontal Ring Rows/5 Hips to Rings
7 Deadlifts 135/75
9 Box Jumps


Against a 40 Minute Clock
0:00 - 10:00
Run 800m
15/10 Strict Pull-ups
30/20 Push-ups
45/30 Air Squats

10:00 - 20:00
Run 800m
Then 3/2 Rounds
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

20:00 - 30:00
Run 800m
Then 3/2 Rounds
5 Pull-ups
5 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
5 Push-ups

30:00 - 40:00
1 Round
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
 45/30 Air Squats
2/1 Rounds
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
Then Run 800m

Friday, August 28, 2015

Anthony 150828

2 Rounds
Row 300
5 KB Squats
5 Goat Bag Swings
5 Inverted KB Press L&R


3 Clean Deadlifts (165 - 185)
5 Kipping Ring Rows/5 Hip to Rings (Superset)
Bench Press 8x130, 8x140, 6x160, 6x170

4 Rounds For Time:
Row 400m
10 OHS 105
10 Pull-Ups

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150826

2 Rounds
Jog #3
5 Front Squats
5 Strict Press
5 Good Mornings
5 Strict Leg Deadlifts

Rack Position

Power Clean (115/50)
10 - 10 - 10 
*In between Sets
Max Effort Ball Up On Dip Stand

10/7 Strict Ring Rows

Every Minute For 6 Minutes
Minute 1:  15/12 Cals
Minute 2:  6 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Minute 3: 10 KB Walking Lunges
Rest 3 Minutes
Then 3 Rounds For Time

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150825

 2 Rounds
10 Push-Ups
30/20 DUs
10 Light Wall Balls
10 Barbell Good Mornings


Front Squat (205/120)
1 x 8 @ 85/50
1 x 5 @ 130/72
1 x 3 @ 150/85
1 x 1 @ 170/95
1 x 1 @ 195/110
1 x 1 @ 215/120
3 x 5 @ 0.85 of Today's 1 RM

Every 4 Minutes For 12 Minutes
30 DUs
20 Wall Balls
10 TTB

40/25 Push-ups
Rest 2 Minutes
30/20 Push-ups
Rest 90"
20/15 Push-ups
Rest 60"
20/10 Push-ups
Rest 30"
10/5 Push-ups

Monday, August 24, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150824

Row 500/400m
A.D. 1, 3/4 Miles
Run 4 Laps

Hamstrings & Hips

"Kettlebells for Kids"
9 Swings 53/35
9 Burpees
9 Swings 53/35
9 Burpees

Every 4 Minutes For 12 Minutes
Row 200m
10 Chinups

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Ryan 150823

Ankles & Calves, Shoulders
Headstand to Forward Roll
Headstand to Handstand to Forward Roll
Headstand to Handstand to Piorrette
Handstand Shoulder Shrugs
Handstand Shoulder Taps
Handstand Lateral Wall Walk
Kick to Freestanding Handstand
Assisted Freestanding Handstand Walk

50 - 40 - 30 - 20 -10 DUs
10 - 8 - 6 - 4 -2 Pistols
5 Deficit HSPUs
Walking Barbell Lunge 75 Across Gym
6 Strict HSPUs
Walking Barbell Lunge 95 Across Gym
7 Kipping
Walking Barbell Lunge 115 Across Gym

Friday, August 21, 2015

Erica 082215

Friday (G_Volume Accumulation_I):

PART I:  Ring Pull-ups to Sternum
2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 (Add weight if possible)

🎥 Film 3rd Set for Virtuosity🎥 

PART II:  Ring Dips
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 (Start each set from the bottom position, on knee if necessary, and reset every rep.)

🎥 Film 3rd Set for Virtuosity🎥 

Anthony & Danielle 150821

2 Rounds


10 - 8 - 6 - 4
*10 Strict TTB on Rope In Between Sets

A.  For Time 50 Cals on Assault Bike

B. 10 Rounds
1 Atlas Stone to Shoulder
100m Sprint 
10/5 Push-Ups

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Erica 150821

Carl Paoli Bar Muscle Up Progression 1

Friday (G_Max Effort_II):

PART I:  Bar Muscle-Up Progression
Practice For 15 Minutes: (🎥 0:59
Find a max set of Chest to Bar Pull-ups, drop the rep count by 1 or 2 and practice for remainder of time.

Emphasis on ripping the elbows back
It may be best to start with a chin over the bar and progress to C2B as set continues

🎥 Film one Set for Virtuosity🎥 

PART II:  Hollow-Body Strength
100 Hollow-Rocks ASAP*

*Every time you break 10 weighted GHD hip extensions.

As slow as possible;

Anthony & Danielle 150820

2 Rounds
A.D. 0.5 Miles
6 Windmills R & L
6 Bulgarian Split Squats R & L

Wall Angels

Strict Press
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5
*In between Sets
1 Minute Weighted Plank 45/25

Every Minute For 21 Minutes
Minute 1:  6 Burpees + 2 MU/6 Pull-ups
Minute 2:  15 KBS 53/35
Minute 3: 10 Pistols/12 OHS Walking Lunges 45
*3 Minute Rest at 9:00

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Erica 150820

Strict Ring Dip with Carl Paoli

Thursday (G_Strength_II):

PART I:  Strict Pull-ups (68D5)
Every 2 Minutes For 10 Minutes
3, 4, 3, 3, Max

Hold a peanut between feet;
Hips in modest Flexion the entire time;
Nose grazes pull-up bar; and,
Pull over bar so that chin could rest on top if necessary.

🎥Film final set for virtuosity🎥

PART II:  Bench Press (HBW1D2)
1 x 10 @ 60 = 70
1 x 8 @ 70 = 75
1 x 8 @ 75 = 80
1 x 8 @ 80 = 85

Bar should pause on chest, no bounce.  
Maintain clean width grip and elbows locked in.

PART III:  Ring Dip Hold
🎥Refer to video🎥

5 x 1 Ring dip negative + hold the bottom of dip.

Lower as slow as physically possibly (🎥1:35).
Never let the rings come out.
Aim for 10 second hold in bottom position.
Maintain hollow body throughout.

🎥Film third set for virtuosity🎥

PART IV:  Exercise
✏Write out and post to comments your next Ring Dip Hold exercise

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Danielle 150819

OLY (20)
Back EMOM For 10 Minutes,
 Starting with 90, 100, 110...

1 Power Position Clean +
1 Hang Clean

42 DU
21 Power Cleans 55
3 Rope Climbs
30 DUs
15 Power Cleans
2 Rope Climbs
18 DUs
9 Power Cleans
1 Rope Climbs

Monday, August 17, 2015

Erica 150818"

CFJ_LeoMuscleUp ~ CrossFit Journal

Tuesday (G_Max Effort_I):

PART I:  Banded Strict Muscle-up Progression
Practice For 15 Minutes: (🎥 1:30) [CFJ_LeoMuscleUp]
Find a max set, drop the rep count by 1 or 2 and practice for remainder of time.

PART II:  Muscle-up Negative
7 X 1

Start with a 30 inch box and red matt on floor;
Pause in the bottom of dip; 
As you lean back maintain L-seat position with legs; and,
Lower as slowly as possible.

🎥 Film 3rd Set for Virtuosity🎥 

Danielle 150817

OLY (20)
OHS EMOM For 10 Minutes,
 Starting with Ladies Bar

1 Power Position (May Dip) Snatch +
1 Hang Snatch +

3 Rounds FGB
1 Minute Wall Balls
1 Minute Box Jumps
1 Minute Push Press 
1 Minute Row For Calories
1 Minute Rest

Erica 150817 "Just Because You're Shaking Doesn't Mean You're Sucking"

L-Seat Progression Pt. 1 ~ Gymnastics WOD

Monday (G_Strength_I):

PART I:  Bench Press (HBW1D1)
1 x 10 @ 60 = 70
1 x 8 @ 70 = 80
1 x 6 @ 75 = 85
1 x 4 @ 80 = 92 

Bar should pause on chest, no bounce.  
Maintain clean width grip and elbows locked in.

PART II:  Strict Pull-ups (68D4)
Every 2 Minutes For 10 Minutes
3, 4, 3, 3, Max

Hold a peanut between feet;
Hips in modest Flexion the entire time;
Nose grazes pull-up bar; and,
Pull over bar so that chin could rest on top if necessary.

🎥Film  final set for virtuosity🎥

PART III:  L-Sit Progression (68D4)

Refer to  video

For 10 Minutes Practice L-Sit Variations

Goal I:  Hold Tuck Position For 20 - 30 Seconds (🎥1:30)  [Hips must pass through arms];
Goal II:  Pistol Tuck Variations (R & L)  For 20 - 30 Seconds (🎥0:30); and,
Goal III:  True L-Sit For 5, 10, 15 Seconds.

🎥Film final set for virtuosity🎥

PART IV:  Exercise
✏Write out and post to comments your next 10 Min L-Sit Progression exercise

Friday, August 14, 2015

Bill & Kailee

WARMUP (10): 
Agility Ladder Drills
1. Bunny Hop (2) Feet, Then R & L [Hot Ground, No Heel Contact]
[Straight Up and Down, Don't Lean or Build Momentum]
2. Lateral Bunny Hop (2) Feet, Then R & L [Strengthen MCL & ACL]
3.  Icky Shuffle [1, 2, "Step Up"]
4.  Crossover Shuffle [Hip Change Movement]
5.  Lateral Shuffle [Tap and Back]
6.  Out and Up [Balls of Feet, Hips Over Rung, All in the Hips]
7. Skier [Hips 45, Arms 90, Hip Change in Air]
8. 2 Forward Bunny Hops 1 Back
9. Step-In, Step-Out

Seated Box Jumps x 5
Hang Cleans x 3
Split Jerk x 1

25 Min EMOM
Min 1:  1 Prowler Push
Min 2:  15 Jumping Lunges
Min 3: 12 Weighted Step-ups
Min 4: 5 Push-ups + 5 Burpees
Min 5:  Rest


Anthony & Danielle 1508014

WARMUP (10): 
2 Rounds
1 Lap
10 Med-Ball Cleans
10 Med Ball Lunges

4 Rounds
25" L-Sit
3 Heavy Clean & Jerks

21 Thrusters 75/45
Run 1 Lap
21 Overhead Squats
Run 1 Lap
21 Thrusters
