Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tim 140528

 4 x 50 SUs + 10 Air Squats
Lax Ball Calves
Purple Banded Stretching
5 Min Pause Back Squat EMOM
Part I:  Back Squat 185

Part II:  Conditioning (G)
2 Stations
Station #1:
20 Swings
10 Box Jumps
Rest 2 Min
Station #2:
10 Burpees
20 Wall Balls
Rest 2 Min & Repeat
Part III:  Core

Fit Camp 140528

PART I:  Warmup

Agility Ladder

PART II:  Strength  

6 Tabata Push-up Intervals
5 Min Pull-Up EMOM
6 Tabata Push-up Intervals

PART II:   Burner

15 Min Clock

Suicide to Shuttle Cone Sprint

Teams of 3

Five Cones Placed on the Field

May Remove All Cones But The First Cone and Last Cone

Each Cone Costs the Following: 

2nd Cone:  100 Burpees
3rd Cone:  200 Abmatt Sit-ups
4th Cone 300 Squats

Only Two People May Work At the Same Time
One Works Through The Sprints, with the Second  and Third Person Alternating Working on Removing a Cone

The purpose of this WOD is to use teamwork to remove cones so that your suicides become shorter and shorter until you are ultimately left with just a shuttle cone sprint at which point you can accumulate points faster.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Anthony & Danielle 140527

 4 x 50 SUs + 10 Air Squats
Lax Ball Calves
Purple Banded Stretching
Part I:  Back Squat 165/90
Part II:  Conditioning (G)
2 Stations
Station #1:
15 Swings
10 Box Jumps
Rest 2 Min
Station #2:
10 Burpees
15 Wall Balls
Rest 2 Min & Repeat
Part III:  Core

Friday, May 23, 2014

Ryan O.

21 minute AMRAP (As many rounds as possible)
*400 meter run
21 pushups
21 box jumps (24”/20”)
15 burpees
9 pull-ups

Anthony & Danielle 140523

PART I:  10 Mins - Build to a Heavy Squat Snatch

PART II: Conditioning (A)

50 Cals
10 Squat Snatches @ 85% of Part 1 (100/55)
40 Cals
15 Clean and Jerks 
30 Cals
20 Squat Cleans

PART III: Midline

3 Rounds
10 GHD Situps
8 Hip Back Extensions
8 Glute Ham Raises

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Fit Camp 140521

PART I:  "Deck of Cards"

10 Minutes

Spades = Pull-ups/Ring Rows
Hearts = Push-ups
Diamonds = Sit-ups
Clubs = Squats

PART II:   15 Minute AMRAP - O.C.Training

With a Partner

2 x 50' Cart Pushes
2 x 50' Odd Object Lunges

200 Meter Run

Partner 1 will push the cart 50', Partner 2 will immediately follow lunging back to the cart.

When both partners are have reunited they will "High 5" and switch movements, but not before performing 5 burpees each.

Both partners will run together.

PART III:   Body By G

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Ryan & Janel 140520

PART I:  Strength

1 x 20 Back Squat 180/65-70

Bench Press
 5 - 5 - 4 - 4- 3 - 3 @ 135/35

PART II: Conditioning (A)

5 Rounds for Time
5 Pull-ups
10 Wall Balls 20/12 
15 Swings 53/30

Anthony & Danielle 140520

PART I:  Strength

Bench Press
 5 - 5 - 4 - 4- 3 - 3 @ 150/60
In Between Sets
10 Dumbell Rows L & R

PART II: Conditioning (A)

3 Rounds For Time
21 Wall Balls
15 Box Jumps
9 Fronts Squats 135/75

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Ryan 140518

PART I:  Strength

Bear Complex

PART II:  Conditioning

5 x 200M Sprints w/ Odd Objects (Sandbags, Free, Plates, Free, Med Balls)

1.)  4 x 15 Push-ups, Then Hold Object Overhead 50SB 
2.)  4 x 15 OH Lunges Bear Hug 75 Sandbag
3.)  50 Sandbag Back Squats 50, Then Plank 2 Minuytes
4.)  4 x 5 Burpees 1 Ground to OverHead 10 Second Hold

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mike C. 140517

PART I:  Back Squats

Hatch Squat Week 2
1 x 10 @ 60 = 115
1 x 8 @ 65 = 125
1 x 8 @ 70 = 135
1 x 8 @ 75 = 146

PART II: Conditioning (A)

10 Minute Clock:
Every 80 Seconds...0:00, 1:20, 2:40, 4:00; 5:40; 7:00; 8:20; 9:30
6 Burpees
9 Air Squats

Rest 2 Minutes

10 Minute Clock:
Every 80 Seconds...0:00, 1:20, 2:40, 4:00; 5:40; 7:00; 8:20; 9:30
 6 Push-ups
9 Kettlebell Swings 53/30

PART III: Core Outside
3 Rounds/:30 Seconds Each of the Following

Hollow Rocks
Bird Dogs

Friday, May 16, 2014

Tim 140514

PART I:  Back Squats

KB Squat Snatch 5 L 5 R
Weighted Pull-ups 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1

However, Angle your body so you cannot do more than 5

PART II: Conditioning (A)

3 Rounds

21 Walls Balls
15 Box Jumps
9 Front Squats 135


3 Rounds/:30 Seconds Each of the Following

Hollow Rocks
Bird Dogs

Ryan & Janel 140516

10min amrap
5 goblet squats
5 DB press
10 high box jumps,
20 double unders, 
30-45 sec hip floss

PART I:  Back Squats

1 x 20 @ 50% 175/60

While Warming up to Squat Complete 3 Sets of the following
A1. Max Effort Pull-Up
A2. 5 Australian Pull-ups

However, Angle your body so you cannot do more than 5

PART II: Conditioning (A)

10 Minute AMRAPs
6 Burpees
9 Air Squats

Rest 2 Minutes

10 Minute AMRAP
6 Push-ups
9 Kettlebell Swings 53/30


3 Rounds/:30 Seconds Each of the Following

Hollow Rocks
Bird Dogs

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ryan and Janel 140512

10min amrap
5 goblet squats
5 DB press
10 high box jumps,
20 double unders, 
30-45 sec hip floss

PART I:  Deadlift

1 x 15 @ 50% 105/55

4 x 3 Eccentric Pullups 3-ct. lower
Use a box to jump and hold above the bar, hold, then lower for 3 seconds. Repeat by jumping above the bar. You DO NOT have to start with a pullup.

2 x 15 @ 60% 115/65

5 x 5 Australian Pull-ups 

Angle your body so you cannot do more than 5

PART II: Conditioning (A)

10 Minute AMRAPs
5 Push-Press
7 Burpee Box-Jump Overs
9 Kettle Bell Swings


3 Rounds/:30 Seconds Each of the Following

Hollow Rocks
Bird Dogs

Monday, May 12, 2014

Anthony & Danielle 140514

PART I:  Deadlift

1 x 15 @ 50% 95/65
 2 x 15 @60% 115/85

Around Efforts Weighted Pull-ups 
A:  5 - 5 - 4 - 4- 3 - 3
D:  3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1

PART II: Conditioning (A)

4 Individual Rounds For Time:

Prowler Push Down 90/50
15 KBS 53/35
Prowler Push Back
10 Wall Balls 20/14


3 Rounds/:30 Seconds Each of the Following

Hollow Rocks
Bird Dogs

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mike C. 140511

PART I: Strength

3 x 5 R & L Inverted Kettlebell Strict Press ,20,25,30
3 x 5 Front Squat + 10 Alt. Walking Barbell Lunges 75, 85, 95
3 x 5 Push Press 95, 105, 115
2 x 10 Strict Dips

PART II:  Conditioning

4 Individually Time Rounds

Prowler Push (+50)
200 M Run
10 Wall Balls (20)
5 Burpees

Rest 1:1

CFS 051214

PART I:  Animal Movement Drills and Shoulder Mobility.

PART II:  For Time: "Spring Cleaning"

Athletes must complete 5 total laps around the building with the sandbag 75/50.
Both athletes must run together, but may switch as often as they like.
In between laps athletes must complete the following in order:

1.)  100 Push-ups While 1 Person Holds the Sandbag Overhead
2.)  50 Sandbag OH Lunges 
3.)  50 Sandbag Back Squats While 1 Person Holds the Sandbag in Plank
4.)  50 Burpees While 1 Person Holds the Sandbag Overhead

30 Min Cap


Run with 45#, 25# Plates  or 20/14# wall balls
Push-ups @ half volume or to knees
OH lunges with plates or wall balls
Backsquats to Goblet Squats

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Anthony & Danielle 140511

PART I:  Strength

Back Squat 1 x 20

Anthony 155
Danielle 85

PART II:  Conditioning

5 x 200M Sprints w/ Odd Objects (Sandbags, Free, Plates, Free, Med Balls)

1.)  100 Push-ups, While Partner Holds Object Overhead 50SB/25PL
2.)  50 OH Lunges 50SB/25PL, While Partner Bear Hugs Sandbag 75/50
3.)  50 Sandbag Back Squats 75/50, While Partner Holds Plank 50SB,25PL
4.)  50 Burpees While 1 Person Holds Object Overhead 50SB,25PL

Mike C. 140510

PART I:  Warm-up 

Jog, Lax Ball & Bear Complexes

PART II: Strength Back Squat

1 X 10 @ 60 99
1 X 8 @ 65 110
1 X 6 @ 70  125
1 X 4@ 75 135

In Between Sets Pull-ups (same volume as hatch)

PART III:  Conditioning

For Time:
Run 200m
30 Swings
15 Push-ups
Run 200m
20 Swings
10 Push-ups
Run 200m
10 Swings
5 Push-ups

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Ryan and Janel 140508


PART II: 20 Rep Back Squat (+5)

Ryan 175
Janel 50  

PART III: Conditioning (A)

5 Rounds For Time
8 Push Jerks 115/35
8 Dips/Pushups
8 Box Jumps

Anthony & Danielle 140508

PART I:  Warm-up 7 Min Hang Snatch EMOM

Starting @
Anthony 75
Danielle 25

PART II:  20 Rep Max Back Squat (+15)

Anthony 150
Danielle 80

PART III: Conditioning (A)

For Time:
25 Deadlifts 145/95
10 Box Jumps 24"/20"
25 Deadlifts
10 Box Jumps
20 Calories
10 Burpees
20 Cals 
10 Burpees
15 TTB
10 Swings 53/35
15 TTB
10 Swings


3 Rounds
:30 Seconds Each of the Following
Hollow Rocks
Bird Dogs