Friday, February 27, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150227

Warm-up (15)

Accumulate 50/35 Cals on A.D.

3 Rounds
4 Straight Leg Deadlifts
5 Barbell Curls
6 Strict Press
7 Good Mornings

Strength I (15)
3 Rounds NFT
5 x 6 Bicep Curl
5 x 8 Dumbell Bench Press
45" Hanging L-Sit

Conditioning ~ Chipper (30)

50 Wall Balls 20 (50 A.S.)
40 Cals Row
30 Swings 53 (Can Be Russian)
20 TTB (Reverse Lunges)
10 Burpees (No Push-Up)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150226

Warm-up (15)

Accumulate 50/35 Cals on Rower
Barbell Mobility and Stretching

Strength I (15)
Build to a Heavy C & J/

3 Rounds NFT
Suitcase DL (8 R&L)
Seat Turkish Get-ups (2R&2L)
Max Strict Pull-ups (2RB)

Conditioning (30)
EMOM x 28

Minute 1:  1 - 2 Clean & Jerks 145/8 DB Clean & Jerks
Minute 2:  40 DUs or Max 40"/40" A.D.
Minute 3:  2 Bar Muscleups/8 - 10 Ring Rows
Minute 4: Rest

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Warm-up/Shoulder Health (15)

Accumulate 50 Cals on A.D.

5 - 10 Russian KB Halos Clockwise-Counterclockwise
3 KB Arm Bars R & L

Skill EMOM x 12

Minute 1:  1 - 2 HSPU/Walk
Minute 2:  4 - 7 KPU/Hip to Bar
Minute 3:  Rest

Conditioning (10)

Row 2k (Strategy)

Anthony 150224

Warm-up/Shoulder Health (15)

Accumulate 50 Cals on A.D.

5 - 10 Russian KB Halos Clockwise-Counterclockwise
3 KB Arm Bars R & L

Strength I (20)

Front Squat x 5

100, 120, 140, 150, 160

In Between Sets Strict Press x 10

75, 80, 85

Conditioning (10)
EMOM x 10

3 Thrusters 95
4 Pull-Ups 
5 Burpees

Friday, February 20, 2015

Warm-up/Shoulder Health (15)

5 - 10 Russian KB Halos Clockwise-Counterclockwise
3 KB Arm Bars R & L

3 Rounds NFT
KB Hang Snatch
KB Full Snatch

Strength I (10)

Bench Press 

5 (150) - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5

In between Sets 1 C & J

Alt Between Sets of 10 Incline BP and 10 Pec Flys

Conditioning (20)

5 Rounds For Time
3 Heavy Clean & Jerks (125)
25 Unbroken Wall Balls
Rest 1:00

7 Cals AFAP
21 Barbell Thrusters
Rest 1:00 Minute

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Tim 150219

Warm-up (10)

Build to a Heavy Power Clean + Squat Clean + L + R Reverse Lunge

& Spiderman, Pigeon & Figure 4
Conditioning (20)
20 Min Clock
Min 1:  Row 40" Cals
Min 2:  5 Squat Cleans (115)
Min 3:  20 DUs
Min:  4 Row 40" Cals
Min 5:  5 Power Cleans (115)
Min 6: 10 Burpees
Min 7: Row 40" Cals
Min 8:  10 Alternating Reverse Lunges
Min 9:Rest

x 2

Min 19, 20 Max Cals A.D.

Stretch (10)

Anthony 150219

Warm-up (15)
Glute-Hip #1

Strength I (10)
3 Sets NFT

1 L-Sit Rope Climbs

Rest as Needed

Strength II (20)
EMOM x 15
5 Rounds of:
Min 1: 7 Back Squats at 135
Min 2:  5 Bounding Tuck Jumps
Min 3:  5 Toes to Rope

Conditioning (10)
For Time:
40 DUs
20 Cals A.D.
10 Burpees

40 DUs
15 Cals A.D.
5 Burpees

40 DUs
10 Cals

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Tim 150218

Warm-up (20)
Shoulder MOB

Min 1:  10 - 15 Goblet Squats
Min 2:  20 Alternating H2H Swings
Min 3:  10 Push-ups/Dynamic Sit-ups 
Min 4:  Rest

Min 1:  8R & 8L KB Front Squats
Min 2:  5 - 8 R RDLs
Min 3:  5 - 8 L RDLs
Min 4:  Rest

Min 1:  5 - 8 R & L KB OHS or Fwd Lunge
Min 2:  5 - 8 R Windmills
Min 3:  5 - 8 L Windmills
Min 4:  Rest

Conditioning (30)
10 Min Ascending Ladder 
1 Pull-Up
1 Back Squat 155

Rest 5 Minutes

20 Kettlebell Swings 
20 Push-ups

Rest 5 Minutes

25 DUs
10 Burpees

Stretch (10)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Anthony 150217

Warm-up (15)
Technique Row
Hollow Snaps

Strength (15)
3 Sets NFT

12 V-Ups
12 Alt Reverse Barbell Lunges (95)
30 DUs
6 Upright Rows (90)

Conditioning (20)
For Time:
21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 9 

Immediately Into
3 Weighted Plank Holds

Monday, February 16, 2015

Anthony 150216

Warm-up (20)
3 x 8 Narrow Arm PVC Raises

3 Rounds NFT
30" Chin/Toes HS Hold
30" Shoulder Taps
30" Handstand Shoulder Taps
20 DUs

Three Position Snatch (floor, hang, power)

Skill EMOM (15)
Alternating Every 90 Secs
Three Position Snatch
10 Ring Dips

Conditioning (20)

2 Rounds For Time

7 OHS 
14 TTB
14 Burpees to Bar

Rest 2:00 Minutes

7 Power Cleans
14 Pull-ups
14 Burpees to Bar

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150212

Warm-up (20)
Shoulder MOB

Min 1:  10, 15, 20 Goblet Squats
Min 2:  20 Alternating H2H Swings
Min 3:  10 Push-ups/Dynamic Sit-ups or Prone Plank
Min 4:  Rest

Min 1:  8R & 8L KB Front Squats
Min 2:  5 - 8 R RDLs
Min 3:  5 - 8 L RDLs
Min 4:  Rest

Min 1:  5 - 8 R & L KB OHS or Fwd Lunge
Min 2:  5 - 8 R Windmills
Min 3:  5 - 8 L Windmills
Min 4:  Rest

Conditioning (20)
3 Min AD for max Cals (Goal 45)
5 Rounds for Individual Time:
10 Push Press 95 - 105/50 - 55
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs/Modified Burpees
Rest 1:00 Minute

Stretch (10)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tim 150211

Warm-up (15)
Shoulder MOB

1 Rounds of
5 Pause Goblet Squats w Band
20 Alt. H2H Swings
5 R&L RDLs
10 Butterfly Sit-ups
5 Windmills  R&L
5 R&L OH Lunges

Strength (12)
At the top of each minute for 12 minutes
45 seconds DUs
30 seconds DB strict press (25/30)
45 seconds box jump overs (24/20)
30 seconds ring dips 

Conditioning (20)
3 Sets of:
30 Cals A.D.
20 Front Rack Lunges 95
30 Sec L-Sit

Rest 3 Minutes In Between Sets

Stretch (10)
Pike Stretch On Box

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Anthony & Danielle (150210)

Warm-up (15)
2 Rounds of
8 Steps Red Band R & L
15 DUs
8 Single Leg RDLs R& L
15 DUs
8 Squats w/Band & KB

Strength (20)
Front Squat

2 x 10 @ 130, 140
2 x 5 @160, 165

4 x 10 @ 80

Conditioning (15)
Row 2K
EMOM Death By Thrusters (65)

Row 2K
Every 2 Minutes Complete 12 Weighted Step Ups

Stretch (10)
Pike Stretch On Box

Monday, February 9, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150209

Warm-up (15)
Banded Y - T - W
Glutes Activation

Skill (12)
12 Minute EMOM
Even:  8 C2B Pull-Ups/4 Pull-Ups (Purple + Red)
Odd: 4 Handstand Push-Ups/4 KB Clean & Jerks 

Conditioning (15)
15 Minute AMRAP

5 Deadlifts 155
10 Push-ups
15 Box Jumps

5 Knee Ups
7 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats
12 Russian Swings 35

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Tim 150207

Warm-up (15)
Thoracic Extension
Banded Y-T-W

8 Push-ups
8 Push-up Plus

8  Yoga Push-ups
Pike Stretch Boxes

8 Front Plank Anti Rotation Shoulder Touches

 8 Deep Squat Thoracic Rotations

Strength (20)
5 Sets Climbing:
3 Hang Cleans, 3 Front Squat

Conditioning (15)
Row 2000M
EMOM 10" L-Sit

Friday, February 6, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150206

Warm-up (15)
Banded Y - T - W
Thoracic Squat

Skill (12)
12 Minute EMOM
Even:  5 OHS w/ 2" Pause at Bottom
Odd: 7 K2E

Conditioning (15)
Row 2K
EMOM 10" L-Sit

Row 1500m
E2MOM 30" Plank

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150206

Warm-up (15)
Thoracic Extension
Standing Face Pulls + External Rotation
Bent Over Plate Pulls

8 Push-ups
8 Push-up Plus

8  Yoga Push-ups
Pike Stretch Boxes

8 Front Plank Anti Rotation Shoulder Touches

8 Deep Squat Thoracic Rotations

Skill (10)
3 x 10 Knees to Elbows

Strength (20)
5 Sets Climbing:
3 Hang Cleans, 3 Push Jerk

Conditioning (15)
4 Rounds:
7 Hang Cleans (95)/ 7 Cals
25 DUs/50 SUs
7 Kipping Pull-ups/5 Pull-ups

Sunday WOD 2/8



For 36 Minutes, Every Other Minute:

1.) Burpee Farmer Carry with HEAVY pair of KB 

2.)  Alternating Left & Right Shoulder w/Atlas Stone 

3.) 1 - 2 Rope Climbs/Max L - Chin-ups/Max Chin-ups

4.) AMRAP Tire Flips

5.) 20 Strokes on Rower

6.)  Accumulate 20, 30, 40 Sec Parallette, Ring or Stand Support

[Note:  For Equipment Purposes, Divide Class Into 6 Groups,  Subdivide Each Group into Odd/Even Minutes.  This will comfortably suite a class of 24 people. (Only 2 people working on a movement at any given time).  However set-up 3 pieces of each equipment just in case.]

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Tim 150204

Warm-up (5)
Row 500 (Stroke Rate <25)

Strength (25)
Back Squat
1 x 10 @ 60 155
1 x 10 @ 65 165
1 x 8 @ 70 185
1 x 8 @ 75 195

Conditioning (15)
1 Clean and Jerk, 35s
1 Round of Cindy
2 Clean and Jerks, 35s
1 Round of Cindy


Anthony & Danielle 150204

Warm-up (5)
Squat Mobility

Strength (25)
EMOM x 10
Odd: 10 Front Squats 105/55
Even: Rest

Rest 5 Mins

EMOM x 10 
Odd: 10 Deadlifts 125/5 L & 5 R (25)
Even: Rest

Conditioning (14)

7 Rounds of 1 Min AMRAP
10/6 Cals A.D., Burpee to Target
Rest 1 Min


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 140203

Row 500m (Stroke Rate <25)

10 RM Thruster
5 RM Weighted Strict Pull-up (Purple)
5 RM Thruster
3 RM Weighted Strict Pull-up
3 RM Thruster
1 RM Weighted Strict Pull-up

4 Rounds:
3 Minute AMRAP:
3 Box Jumps 24+/3 Burpees
6 Goblet Squats 53/25
9 Push-Ups

Rest 1 Minute

2 Rounds:
2 Min AMRAP 
10 HR
10 V-Ups
20 Russian Twists
1 Min Plank Hold