Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tim 150331

Strength  (15)
Pull-Ups Day 3

In Between Sets Build to a Challenging Thruster

15 Min AMRAP
Row 30 Cals
20 Thurster 65
15 Thursters
10 Thrusters
Row Max Cals

Core Cash-Out (10)
60 Second Chinese Plank (Face-Up/Face Down)

Anthony 150331

2x Wall Walk
2x Kick To Freestanding HS Hold
2x Freestanding Walk

Skill (10)
10 Minute EMOM
Odd: 6 Strict HSPU
Even: 25 Unbroken DUs

Technique (5)
5 Minutes To Build To A Heavy
3 RM TNG Power Clean
(5 Sets Max)

Conditioning I (25)
Every 90" For 12 Minutes
3 Power Cleans 135 - 145
10 Burpees AFAP

Core Cash-Out
60 Second Chinese Plank (Face-Up/Face Down)

Monday, March 30, 2015

Anthony 150330

Warm-up (10)
Perfect Push-up -> Spidermans -> Perfect Squat
Shoulder Heatlh (Shoulder W)

Strength & Technique (15)
Back Squat 
4 X
6 @ 70 175
1 @ 90225

Conditioning I (25)
15 Minute AMRAP
4 Sets of 5 Pistols L & R
5 Sets of 5 C2B
5 Sets of 6 Hand Release Push-Ups

Core Cash-Out
60 Second Chinese Plank (Face-Up/Face Down)


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Anthony 150326

Warm-up (10)
Perfect Push-up -> Spidermans -> Perfect Squat
Shoulder Heatlh (Shoulder W)

Strength & Technique (15)
Hatch Press Program
1 x 5 @ 60, 95
3 x 5 @  70, 105

In Between Sets: Clean Technique
1. Clean From Toes x5 (Fast Feet, Finish in Power Position)
2. High Hang Clean x5 (Fast Feet, Must Reset)
Hang Clean x5 (Mid-Thigh, Pockets, Reception )
Clean x5 (Knees, Mid-Thigh, Pockets, Reception )

Conditioning I (25)

Every 90 Seconds For Fifteen Minutes
Heavy Power Clean 1.1 (Rest 10" Between Reps)

Rest 10 Minutes

Conditioning II

15 Min AMRAP
15 Cal Row
7 Burpee Box Jump Overs
15 Cals A.D.

Rest 2 Minutes

4 Minutes Weighted Step-ups

Cash-Out (5)
Band Stretches

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Warm-up (10)
100 Single Unders Running In Place
DU Flight Simulator 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10

Hip/Glute Bridge on Foam Roller
Then 2 Rounds,
7 PVC Squats Against Wall
2 Pause Pistols L & R

Strength I (30)
Starting w/ an empty barbell.
EMOM add 10lb and Clean for as long as possible.
Once you can no longer Snatch, EMOM add 10lb and Clean for as long as possible.
Once you can no longer Clean, EMOM add 10lb and Deadlift for as long as possible.

Conditioning (10 Minutes)
16 Minute 30 Sec On/Off
Minute 1:  Ring Dips
Minute 2:  Jumping Lunges w/ Med Ball 14
Minute 3: Dumbbell Thrusters 25
Minute 4:  A.D. Sprint

Cash-Out (5)
Band Stretches

Anthony 150324

Warm-up (10)
100 Single Unders Running In Place
DU Flight Simulator 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10

Hip/Glute Bridge on Foam Roller
Then 2 Rounds,
7 PVC Squats Against Wall
2 Pause Pistols L & R

Strength I (30)
3 x 9 OHS from Rack
95, 105, 115

3 x 10 Strict TTB

Conditioning (10 Minutes)
Satan's Whiskers
3 Rounds For Time
10 C2B
10 Front Squats (From Floor) 155
10 Burpees Over the Barbell

Cash-Out (5)
Shoulder Stretches

Monday, March 23, 2015


Warm-up (10)
50 Single Unders Running In Place
Wall Balls w/ Flyaway 10#
Partner Lax Ball Trap
Dip Stand Support Shoulder Stretch

Strength I (30)
8 Min EMOM 
2,1 Bench Press (Building)

Then 4 x 9 @ 65% (125 ~ 130)
In between Sets 21 Curls

Conditioning (10 Minutes)
For Time:
30 - 24 - 18 - 12 Jumping Lunge w/14
15 - 12 - 9 - 6 Burpees To Pull-up Bar

Cash-Out (5)
Row 750 Easy Pace

Friday, March 20, 2015

Anthony 150320

Warm-up (15)
Band Stretch: Purple

Strength I (15)
Strict Pull-Ups
Set 1: 6 
Set 2: 9
Set 3: 6
Set 4: 6
Set 5: 9

Pistol Practice

Conditioning (10 Minutes)
12:00 Min AMRAP
Ascending Ladder
Row 100 [:30, : 45, :75, :105]
Barbell Hold (200) [:10, :20, :30, :40]
Push-Ups 10 [:20,:40, :90, :120]

Cash-Out (5)
3 Rounds
:40 Wolf Press
:30 Heel Touches

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Anthony 30317

Warm-up (15)
A.D. 35 Cals
Dumbell Lunge and Press

Banded Jerk
Tall Jerk
Jerk Balance
Pause Jerk

Strength I (15)
Build to a Heavy Jerk (Out of Rack)

Strength II
Perform the following sets of pull-ups to my count:
Set 1: 6
Set 2: 8
Set 3: 6 
Set 4: 6
Set 5: Max (Min 8)

Conditioning (10 Minutes)
3 Rounds For Time
Row 10 Cals
10 Shoulder to Overhead
10 Burpees

Cash-Out (5)
3 x 8 Strict TTB

Monday, March 16, 2015

Anthony 150316

Warm-up (15)
Row 350

3 Rounds
50 JR (Singles, Alt Leg Single, Alt Leg)
5 PVC Hollow Rocks/Supermans
5 Reverse Burpees

Strength I (15)
8 Min EMOM 
 2 Back Squats @ 195

Technique I (10)
5 x 2 Hip to Bar Pull-ups

Conditioning (10 Minutes)
10:00 AMRAP
3 Bar Muscle-ups/5 C2B
25 Wall Balls
50 DUs

Stretch (5)

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Mike Rhodes

Warm-up (15)
2 Rounds
5-7 Push-ups (Heart)
10 Air Squats (Hamstrings)
10 Lunges L & R

Hip Glute-Activation
5 Banded Squats
10 Shuffles R & L
5 Banded Squats
Skate Forward/Skate Backward

Leg Swings (Against Wall)
Toe Touches
Toy Soldier

Observation (10)
Take Video (4 Passes)

Pose Running Intro  (20)
Start Top Down
1. Foam Roll (Optional)

2. Potato Chips Drill

3. Introduce Figure 4

4. Hamstring Activation Drill

5. Hold Pose

6. Hold Pose On Plates

7. Hamstring Pull Drill

8. Fall Into Wall & Pull

Conditioning (15)
6 x 100
50%, 60%, 70%, 70% 80% 90%
Walk Back

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Anthony 150311


Warm-up (15)
Accumulate 35 Cals on Row
 Superfriend Stretch on Roller
PVC Technique
Strength  (30)
Starting w/ an empty barbell.  
EMOM add 10lb and Snatch for as long as possible.
Once you can no longer Snatch, EMOM add 10lb and Clean for as long as possible.
Once you can no longer Clean, EMOM add 10lb and Deadlift for as long as possible.

Conditioning (20)
3 Rounds
30" Sprint A.D.
30" Dumbbell Push Press

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Ryan & Janel 150311

Warm-up (15)Accumulate 35 Cals on Row
Band Drills
3 Rounds NFT
Suitcase DL (8 R&L)
Reverse Seated Turkish Get-ups (2R&2L)
5- 10 Ring Rows
Strength I (15)
Front Squat 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
155, 165, 175, 180, 185 or
3 Single Leg Deadlifts + 4 Strict Single Arm Presses + 5 Windmills L & R
10 Strokes at 7 Resistance on Rower

Conditioning (20)
4 Rounds
3 Hang Cleans 115/3 Hang C & J 25
3 Burpees
7 Air Squats

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Anthony 150310

Warm-up (15)
Row (20 Strokes)
JR (Singles, Alt Leg Single, Alt Leg)
Band Stretches (Lats)

Strength I (10)
2 x MAX Pull-Ups, Rest 5 Minutes

Strength II (15)
8 Min EMOM 
 2 Back Squats @ 185

Conditioning (20)
3 Rounds of:
1:00 ME Row (Cals)
1:00 ME Wall Balls 20/14
1:00 ME Burpees
Rest 1:00

Cash Out (5)
Rest 5
3 x 10 Strict TTB

Monday, March 9, 2015

Anthony 150309

Warm-up (15)
Accumulate 35 Cals A.D.
Foam Roll Back
Lax Ball Lats
PVC Stretches
Band Stretches
Technique & Primer (15)
 PVC/Barbell Snatch Technique
3 Rounds
7 Cals Rower
7 Box Jumps
7 Wall Balls
1 Snatch + 3 OHS
Rest 5 - 10 Minutes

Conditioning (20)
Every Three Minutes For As Long As Possible
0:00 - 3:00
2 Rounds
6 OHS @ 85
6 (4,4) PUs
3:00 - 6:00
2 Rounds
8 OHS @ 85
8 (5,5) PUs
6:00 - 9:00
2 Rounds
10 OHS @ 85
10 (5,5) PUs

Monday, March 2, 2015

Anthony & Danielle 150302

Warm-up (15)

Accumulate 35 Cals on Row or
DU Flight Simulator 10 - 60
Strength I (15)
Front Squat 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
155, 165, 175, 180, 185 or
3 Single Leg Deadlifts + 4 Strict Single Arm Presses + 5 Windmills L & R
10 Strokes at 7 Resistance on Rower

Conditioning (20)
5 Rounds
3 Hang Cleans 115/3 Hang C & J 25
3 Burpees
7 Air Squats

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Warm-up (15)

Accumulate 35 Cals on Rower @ 2:05

Strength I (15)
I.A. Pause Power Clean (Knees, Mid-Thigh, Pockets, Reception)
I.B. Drop  to Split, Jump to Split
I.C. Jerk Balance
I.D. PC + JD + FSJ
Strength II (15)

Minute 1:  KHSPU
Minute 2:  PU + C2B + H2B
Minute 3: Rest

Conditioning ~ CrossFit Specific EMOM (10)

3 Thrusters 75
4 Pull-ups
5 Burpees
Goal 7 - 7 - 7